About Us

Europe’s cultural heritage is the world’s most diverse and rich patrimony and an important component of our individual and collective identity.

It plays a fundamental role in European integration by creating links between citizens and a common “memory of Europe”.

Environmental degradation, climate change, natural and man-made hazards, expose this heritage to a set of risks that must be managed using specific skills enhanced by wide interdisciplinary collaboration.

Our Mission

The SAFECULT project aims at constructing a skills framework for disaster risk management for European libraries, archives and museums and make available capacity to deploy preventive and reactive measures to mitigate the risks and the inherent impacts of natural hazards affecting the written heritage.

  • Assess the state of art of the disaster risk prevention and governance in the cultural Institutions of the EU and the rest of the world.

  • Develop a European network to jointly address the issues of both disaster risk management and first response intervention, in order to enable cross – border cooperation and assistance.

  • Improve the key competencies and skills of operators (mainly archivists, librarians and conservators), also addressing the issues related with cross-border cooperation and assistance.

  • Elaborate courses, programs and materials to support the education of the operators working in the field of written heritage.

  • Establish a resident international course in the premises of the partners to support the coordinated to face the emergency.

Here you can find all SafeCult training material. Please use your personal Google account to access and…Enjoy the reading!

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